Oberea oculata (Linnaeus, 1758)

[Hungarian Version]

Csóka, György and Kovács, Tibor (1999): Xilofág rovarok - Xylophagous insects. Hungarian Forest Research Institute. Erdészeti Turományos Intézet, Agroinform Kiadó, Budapest, 189 pp.

Mn: Vörösnyakú fuzcincér  /  En:

15-21 mm. Eurosiberian species. In Hungary common in highland willow forests. Feeds on willow species. Females lay their eggs on branches 2-5 centimetres in diameter. The larvae chew galleries 30-40 centimetres long inside the branch. The presence of the species can be recognised by the holes in the bark made at regular intervals by the larva in order to expel frass and woodchips. Pupates in the tunnel. Development takes two years. Adults can be seen in late June and July, feeding at the main veins of leaves.


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