Anaerea similis (Laicharting, 1784) = Saperda similis

[Hungarian Version]

Csóka, György and Kovács, Tibor (1999): Xilofág rovarok - Xylophagous insects. Hungarian Forest Research Institute. Erdészeti Turományos Intézet, Agroinform Kiadó, Budapest, 189 pp.

Mn: Kecskefuzcincér  /  En:

15-21 mm. Occurs in North and Central Europe and Western Siberia. Montane species, rare in Hungary. As for the Xylotrechus pantherinus this species is characteristic of established pussy willow (Salix caprea) stands. Larvae develop in branches 3-8 centimetres in diameter in the crown of the tree. Infestation causes swelling of the branch. Development takes at least two years. Adults fly from May to July, mainly at night, when they also feed on leaves in the crown of the foodplant.


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