Forest Pest Insects in North America: a Photographic Guide

European pine shoot moth

Rhyacionia buoliana (Denis and Schiffermiiller) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae)

Orientation to pest

European pine shoot moth, Rhyacionia buoliana (Denis and Schiffermiiller), is an invasive tortricid native to Europe, the eastern Mediterranean region, and Japan. It is invasive in the United States, Canada, Chile, and Uruguay. It is a serious pest of pines, especially in pine plantations because it kills the leaders of pines, destroying their growing form. Larvae feed on pines, especially red pine (Pinus resinosa Sol. ex Aiton) or introduced European pines, and, in Southern Hemisphere plantations, on Monterrey pines (Pinus radiata D. Don). Buds of branches are also attacked. Moths emerge in early summer and lay their eggs on new needles. Young larvae construct webs that are coated with resin below the current year's needle sheaths and stems. Feeding initially occurs within the sheath at the base of needles. By midsummer, larvae switch and feed on buds until August. Larvae overwinter in webs at the bases of buds and in spring move to undamaged buds or new shoots, where they complete development. Pupation takes place during the second summer in the dead buds and shoots, and when adults emerge, empty pupal cases remain sticking out of the pupal chambers in the hollowed-out buds. One generation occurs each year. Death of leaders leads to deformed, bushy trees. In Chile, as much as a third of trees in Monterrey pine plantations may be infested.

Hosts commonly attacked

In North America, this moth attacks various native pines, especially red pine (P. resinosa), as well as several introduced European species, particularly Mugo (Pinus mugo Turra) and Scots (Pinus sylvestris L.) pines. The five-needle pines are relatively resistant. In the Southern Hemisphere, an important host is the North American species P. radiata, when grown in plantations.


In North America, the moth occurs in southern Canada from Newfoundland to the Great Lakes and in the United States south to Maryland and Illinois. A separate infestation exists in British Columbia, Oregon, and Washington.

Images of European pine shoot moth

Adults of European pine shoot moth USDA Forest Service - Northeastern Area Archive, USDA Forest Service, 768x512 / 1536x1024
First instar larva of European pine shoot moth USDA Forest Service - Ogden Archive, USDA Forest Service, 768x512 / 1536x1024
Figure 1. Adults of European pine shoot moth, Rhyacionia buoliana
Eggs of European pine shoot moth USDA Forest Service - Ogden Archive, USDA Forest Service, 768x512 / 1536x1024
Larva of European pine shoot moth feeding in shoot Fabio Stergulc, Università di Udine, 768x512 / 1536x1024
Figure 2. Eggs (right) and first instar larva (left) of European pine shoot moth Figure 3. Larva of European pine shoot moth feeding in shoot
Live pupa of European pine shoot moth in place in damaged shoot David McComb, USDA Forest Service, 768x512 / 1536x1024
Pupa dissected from shoot USDA Forest Service - Ogden Archive, USDA Forest Service, 768x512 / 1536x1024
Cast pupal skin from damaged leader USDA Forest Service - Ogden Archive, USDA Forest Service, 768x512 / 1536x1024
Figure 4. Live pupa of European pine shoot moth in place in damaged shoot (left); pupa dissected from shoot (middle), and cast pupal skin (right) from damaged leader
Deformation of shape of pine tree in young tree Jan Liska, Forestry and Game Management Research Institute, 768x512 / 1536x1024
Eventual tree shape (here, Y) due to leader death from feeding of European pine shoot moth Fabio Stergulc, Università di Udine, 768x512 / 1536x1024
Figure 5. Deformation of shape of pine tree; left, in young tree; right, eventual tree shape (here, "Y") due to leader death from feeding of European pine shoot moth

Important biological control agents related to this pest species

Many studies have described the parasitoids that can be reared from larvae and pupae of European pine shoot moth in various countries (United States, Canada, Chile, parts of Europe) and on various tree species. More than a hundred species of parasitoids have been recorded. Studies conducted in coastal areas of Germany in the 1950s and 1960s, for example, found larval and pupal parasitism of this species to be in the 28-65% range in pine plantations. The most common parasitoids observed were the ichneumonid Cremastus confluens Grav. and the braconid Orgilus obscurator Nees. Similar studies have been done in various locations, with some variation in the parasitoid guild. Several European parasitoid species were released in North America for suppression of this pest, but only a few have become established. Of these, only O. obscurator, appears to be widespread and of some importance. Releases of European parasitoids in North America have, however, had limited effect on densities of this pest in most areas. Possible explanations for this lack of control may include low vegetation diversity in North American pine plantations and a possible need to import additional species of parasitoids from Europe. Parasitoid importations against this species have also been undertaken in Chile.

Web links for information on European pine shoot moth
