Forest Pest Insects in North America: a Photographic Guide

Rosy gypsy moth

Lymantria mathura Moore (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae)

Orientation to pest

Rosy gypsy moth, Lymantria mathura Moore, is an Asian defoliator not yet present in the United States, but one that poses a high risk of invasion and potential damage. It defoliates a variety of hardwood species and outbreaks may affect large areas. During outbreaks, the pest population density may reach 1000 caterpillars per tree. The species overwinters as eggs containing fully developed larvae, ready to hatch. Larvae emerge early in spring and disperse and attack buds, then leaves. Most feeding occurs at night. Mature larvae pupate in flimsy cocoons on the host tree. Females fly at night (1:00-3:00 AM) and lay eggs in masses of 150-600 on bark of host tree or other objects. There is one generation per year.

Hosts commonly attacked

Rosy gypsy moth attacks many species of Betula, Castanea, Juglans, Malus, Quercus, Salix, Tilia, Ulmus and other deciduous trees. Its preferred hosts in the Russian Far East include Juglans mandshurica Maxim., Quercus mongolica Fisch. ex Turcz., and Quercus dentate Thunb.


Rosy gypsy moth is native to Asia and is found in the Russian Far East, Nepal, Japan, Korea, northern India, and parts of China (Hebei, Heilongjiang, Jilin provinces, and western China.

Images of rosy gypsy moth

Adults of rosy gypsy moth DAFF Archive, 768x512 / 1536x1024
Adults of rosy gypsy moth David Mohn, Critters Page (Creatures Great and Small), 768x512 / 1536x1024
Comparison of the female of rosy gypsy moth (bottom) to that of gypsy moth (top) USDA APHIS PPQ Archive, USDA APHIS PPQ, 768x512 / 1536x1024
Figure 1. Adults of rosy gypsy moth, Lymantria mathura (left, male; right, female) Figure 2. Comparison of the female of rosy gypsy moth (bottom) to that of gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar [L.]), top.
Egg mass of rosy gypsy moth David Mohn, Critters Page (Creatures Great and Small), 768x512 / 1536x1024
Young larvae of rosy gypsy moth David Mohn, Critters Page (Creatures Great and Small), 768x512
Mature larvae of rosy gypsy moth USDA APHIS PPQ Archive, USDA APHIS PPQ, 768x512 / 1536x1024
Pupa of rosy gypsy moth David Mohn, Critters Page (Creatures Great and Small), 768x512
Figure 3. Egg mass of rosy gypsy moth Figure 4. Young larvae of rosy gypsy moth Figure 5. Mature larvae of rosy gypsy moth Figure 6. Pupa of rosy gypsy moth

Important biological control agents related to this pest species

In Korea, natural enemies associated with rosy gypy moth include Cotesia melanoscela (Ratzberg), the dominant larval parasitoid and Brachymeria lasus (Walker), the most important pupal parasitoid.

Web links for information on rosy gypsy moth
