Rosalia alpina (Linnaeus, 1758)

[Hungarian Version]

Csóka, György and Kovács, Tibor (1999): Xilofág rovarok - Xylophagous insects. Hungarian Forest Research Institute. Erdészeti Turományos Intézet, Agroinform Kiadó, Budapest, 189 pp.

Mn: Havasi cincér  /  En:

16-38 mm. Found in Central and Southern Europe, east as far as the Caucasus, and in North Africa. In Hungary found mainly in cool and humid highland beech forests, where it is locally common. Larvae develop in dead wood, either in well established living trees or standing or fallen dead trees, most often in beech (Fagus sylvatica), occasionally in maples (Acer). Habitats for this species are being threatened by harvesting the trees before they reach a suitable age and by removing dead wood. Several generations may develop in the same large trunk. Larvae develop for at least 2-3 years in the heartwood, eventually consuming it completely. Larvae open an oval emergence hole in the bark before pupating in a special chamber several centimetres into the heartwood. Pupation takes place between late May and late June. The attractive blue adults emerge in July and August and can be found tree trunks and wood piles.


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